Ferguson: The Latest

[Content Note: Police brutality and militarization; racism.]

The grand jury convened to investigate Officer Darren Wilson's shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown is expected to conclude this week. It is anticipated that they will not indict Wilson.

Democratic Missouri Governor Jay Nixon just held a press conference at which he announced that the National Guard "will be on standby to deal with any protests after a grand jury announces its decision. ...Officials and police around St Louis have been making extensive preparations for renewed protests. James Knowles, Ferguson's mayor, said this month that they would 'prepare for the worst.' He told a local television station: 'There are expectations that demonstrations probably will break out in several places.'"

They are "preparing for the worst," and yet refuse to work with protest leaders to ensure peaceful protests.

At the presser, Nixon reiterated that some police officers had been injured in previous interactions with protestors (with no mention of injured protestors, naturally) and said that every precaution would be made to protect officers while "portraying the appearance of appropriateness."

And, when asked about the militarization of police, and how that exacerbates the situation, he said, and I am not making this up, that no one has yet been injured by a riot helmet.

That is literally one of the most mendacious things I have ever heard a politician say. Which is really saying something.

And speaking of keeping up appearances, this is how the presser was staged:

image of Governor Nixon, a middle-aged white man, flanked by two black officers, standing just behind him

Yeah. There ain't enough fuck you in the world for this shit.

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