In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today...

[Content Note: Militarism; police brutality; racism] Here is some more important reading related to the killing of Michael Brown, subsequent, protests, and police response in Ferguson:

* Michael Brown Remembered as a Gentle Giant.

* Eyewitness to Michael Brown Shooting Recounts His Friend's Death.

* Dozens Arrested During Protests over Ferguson Police Shooting.

* #IfTheyGunnedMeDown Shows How Black People Are Portrayed in Mainstream Media.

* National Moment of Silence Will Remember Victims of Police Brutality.

[CN: War] In Israel and Gaza: "Talks to end a month-long war between Israel and Gaza militants are 'difficult,' Palestinian delegates said on Tuesday, while an Israeli official said no progress had been made so far. As a 72-hour cease-fire held for a second day on Tuesday, Palestinian negotiators began talks with Egyptian intelligence after a meeting on Monday that lasted nine hours and the Israeli delegation returned to Cairo." At least the cease-fire is holding in the meantime.

[CN: War] In Iraq: "US combat forces will not re-enter Iraq, John Kerry insists, but the US says it will explore more 'political, economic and security options' as the country transitions out of political deadlock with a new prime minister. During a visit to Australia for the annual Ausmin talks, the Secretary of State told reporters the US government congratulated Haider al-Abadi on his nomination, and he urged the incoming prime minister to form a new, inclusive and functional cabinet 'as swiftly as possible.' ...Kerry made it clear [the offer of US support] did not mean a return of US combat troops. 'There will be no reintroduction of American combat forces into Iraq,' he said. 'Nobody, I think, is looking forwards to a return to the road that we've traveled.'" Good call.

[CN: Rape culture] You know how I keep saying that one of the most pernicious lies people tell in asserting there is no such thing as "rape culture" is that everyone agrees rape is terrible? Yeah. My point, here it is again: Teen Convicted in Steubenville Rape Back on Football Roster. "Ma'Lik Richmond, one of two teens convicted in the rape of a 16-year-old girl in Steubenville, is back on the roster of the Steubenville Big Red football team. Richmond was found delinquent of raping a 16-year-old girl in March 2013, and must register as a Tier II sex offender every 180 days for 20 years. ...Interim Superintendent Melinda Young says part of the current athletic policy states that any student convicted of a felony will be suspended for one calendar year." I bet he's really learned his lesson! Jess has a typically thoughtful piece here.

[CN: Homophobia; reproductive policing; gender essentialism] Fucking hell: "For the first time in nearly fourteen months, a state's ban on same-sex marriage has withstood a constitutional challenge in court. A state judge in Tennessee ruled last week that 'neither the Federal Government nor another state should be allowed to dictate to Tennessee what has traditionally been a state’s responsibility.'" Roane County Circuit Judge Russell E. Simmons, Jr.'s decision is viewable here (pdf), and on pages 5-6 there's some TERRIFIC stuff about how marriage is for procreation. (It is not terrific.)

And finally! A mama panda has given birth to triplets in a Chinese zoo. "An official from Sichuan Wolong national nature reserve, considered the foremost authority on pandas, said the trio were too young [at 15 days old] to be officially recognised as surviving, but that they were the only known panda triplets alive. 'We can only say they are surviving once they reach six months. For now they are indeed the only surviving triplets,' said an official from the centre." Good luck, little pandas!

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