This Is Your Irregularly Scheduled Reminder That Deeky Gashlycrumb Is History's Greatest Monster

So, in addition to texting each other a steady stream of silly bullshit, Deeky and I also have a habit of tweeting ridiculous pictures at each other. Which amuses us to no end, because we're dipshits.

Anyway. Last night, Deeks tweeted at me, "You know what? @Shakestweetz is an awesome friend for reminding me I won't die alone. We're besties, like these two," followed by a picture of Guy Fieri and Larry King.

To which I replied that I hated him, and then, "We're besties, like these two," followed by a picture of Statler and Waldorf from The Muppet Show.

This went on for a bit. Jay Leno and an old lady. Sure. Nicolas Cage and Andrew Dice Clay. Obviously. Admiral Thrawn. A nod to Iain. Kiefer Sutherland jumping into a Christmas tree. Classic.

And then I said, "Speaking of TOTALLY us and Christmas..." followed by the iconic image of then First Lady Nancy Reagan sitting on Mr. T's lap and kissing him on the head while he's dressed as Santa Claus.

(The '80s, man.)

To which Deeky replied:

image of a tweet authored by Deeky reading: 'This is probably slightly more accurate.' followed by the same image of Nancy Reagan and Mr. T into which he's photoshopped the Guy Fieri skittle he bought me for my birthday

Yes, that is the goddamned Guy Fieri skillet Deeky bought me for my birthday photoshopped into Nancy Reagan's hand. Because nothing amuses Deeky W. Gashlycrumb more than tormenting me with Guy Fieri merchandise.

Liss: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL best use of Photoshop EVER.

Deeks: obviously! I deserve a fucking Pulitzer for that!

Liss: Fuck yeah you do.

image of a Pulitzer with Guy Fieri on it


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