I Guess He's Just "Crazy," Too

[Content Note: Violence; guns; misogyny; male entitlement.]

Last week in Indianapolis, a man followed three teenage girls around a gas station and, when they left, he followed them in his car, chased them down on the highway, and opened fire on them (they were not physically hurt):
Anthony Martin, 28, Indianapolis, appears in Marion Superior Court this morning to hear charges against him for his actions the night of March 23.

Police say Martin followed the Mazda RX8 in which the three girls were riding after they fled his unwanted attention at a Speedway gas station at 5960 S. East St.

A man chaperoning the three girls saw Martin's white Infiniti in his mirror and tried to evade him, according to court documents.

Police said Martin pursued the Mazda onto I-465, pulled up alongside it, showed a handgun and shouted, "Are you trying to play?"

Then Martin fired multiple shots into the Mazda, according to a court document, "which caused glass to shatter all around."
Emphasis mine.

Elliot Rodger is not an oulier. He is a highly visible example of ubiquitous vengeful violence taken against women who refuse men.

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