Today in Reboots

Battlestar Galactica is the latest franchise to get the reboot treatment:
Universal is ramping up a movie version of the sci-fi franchise "Battlestar Galactica," aiming to develop the film as a complete reimagining of the story.

...There have been three "Galactica" TV series (including the brief "Galactica 1980"). The first, starring Lorne Greene and Richard Hatch, ran during the 1978-79 season and was centered on humans engaged in a lengthy war against a cybernetic race known as the Cylons while searching for Earth.

In 2003, a reimagined "Battlestar Galactica" miniseries aired on Sci Fi Channel. The second series, starring Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell, went on to run for four seasons.

..."Transcendence" writer Jack Paglen has signed on to write the screenplay. ...Original series creator Glen Larson will produce the "Battlestar Galactica" film. ...Universal's exec VP of production Scott Bernstein and director of development Jay Polidoro are overseeing the latest version of "Battlestar Galactica" for the studio.
If you include the spinoff Caprica, there's been four series. (Plus Blood & Chrome.) But whatever.

I didn't start the 2000s BG until long after it had already finished, so maybe it still feels fresher to me than most fans. But I feel like the franchise isn't ready for a reboot yet.

I blame Spider-Man.

Just kidding. I blame money-hungry studio executives who had their creative centers surgically replaced with gamma-ray enhanced greed.

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