Jesus Candy

[Content Note: Christian Supremacy.]

This weekend, our friend N was visiting, and while we were visiting a local retail establishment whose name I'll cleverly disguise as Schmass Schmo Schrop, he found a bag of candy cherry slices about which he was very excited, because instead of having to pick out his favorite cherries from the typical mixed bag, he found a bag entirely comprised of cherry! Yay!

So, later that day, he was happily eating his cherry slices when he looked at the nutritional label on the back of the package, and discovered a message from the distributor:

image of the nutritional label with a message reading: 'Take time for family and prayer--Always give praise.'
"Take time for family and prayer—Always give praise."

We had a serious discussion about proselytizing, followed by a fun conversation in which we imagined all the messages we would (totally never) put on our own bags of cherry slices, and how fast Schmass Schmo Schrop would apologize and stop selling our cherry slices once our messages were discovered.

image of the nutritional label with a message reading: 'There is no god. Enjoy your candy!'
"There is no god. Enjoy your candy!"

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