We Need to Talk about The Good Wife

***MAJOR SPOILER WARNING from last night's episode of The Good Wife***

I hope some of y'all watched last night's episode of The Good Wife and are prepared to help me process what happened, because OMFG. We need to talk about this immediately!!!

Head below the fold for the rest of the post, and let me say once again SPOILER WARNING for anyone who hasn't seen the episode yet or doesn't want to know...

image of Julianna Margulies as Alicia and Josh Charles as Will, sitting at a bar in an episode of The Good Wife


I was so shocked that Will died, and so goddamn sad. When Kalinda pulled back the sheet and we all saw that Will was gone, I burst into tears. I exclaimed at Iain: "Who wrote this episode—George R. R. Martin?!"

RIP Will Gardner. I am genuinely going to miss you.

It was a wonderfully-kept secret that Josh Charles had asked to leave the show at the end of last season, but agreed to stay on for this amazing and terrible arc. It seems like he and the creators and the rest of the cast are parting on good terms. And I really like the definitive ending to his character on the show; there's no "maybe Will will come back someday," no lingering question marks about Alicia and Will. His death was tremendously shocking to me, but it didn't feel contrived.

That entire sequence, from the moment Will tells his client (and eventual killer) that he's going to talk to the judge about moving him to solitary, and makes what might have been a fateful decision to not take an extra moment to also tell him about what Kalinda had uncovered regarding the ambulance, to the final seconds in which Alicia takes the phone from Eli, was magnificent. Or at least I think it was. It looked pretty terrific through ALL THE TEARS!

Who's going to end up representing that kid now? Alicia or Diane? We haven't seen the end of him yet, I think.


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