Quote of the Day

"Social media is viewed by gatekeepers as simultaneously worthless and a serious threat. Balancing these opposing views requires a hypocrisy that can be facilitated only by the assurance of power."—Sarah Kendzior, in a piece for Al Jazeera responding to the Nation piece about "Feminism's Toxic Twitter Wars."

Relatedly: Yesterday, the Nation tweeted an "open call for responses to our cover story on Twitter and Feminism," apparently to be published in their letters section. There are some excellent responses below that tweet at the link, and of course there are lots of good responses elsewhere on Twitter. (Drop links in comments!)

I like what Andrea Grimes said (here and here): "The Nation issuing an 'open call' for responses to the Twitter feminism piece shows the degree to which it misses the whole point. Not that there isn't value in printing opposing views, and I hope they do, but the publication retains control over that conversation."

And I like what Sana Saeed said (here, paraphrasing Rania Khalek): "indeed, why pay WOC to respond to a racist, reductionist, dishonest piece about them when we have letters!"

The problem. Here it is.

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