In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today!

Two US warships are taking up residence in the Black Sea to keep an eye on the Sochi Olympics—one a communications ship and one a guided missile frigate. "Pentagon officials told NBC the ships would act as support vehicles for American security operations there."

The threat of terrorism is not the only issue with the Sochi Olympics, as you may have heard. Josh Kurp has a comprehensive guide to all the problems here (it's a great round-up, but I direct you there with the note there's an unnecessary swipe at Detroit and one use of disablist language, in addition to stories about homophobia and animal abuse).

[Content Note: War on agency] An Alaska judge has "approved a temporary restraining order on new state rules that would drastically narrow the definition of a medically necessary abortion for purposes of Medicaid coverage. ...The six-page order is not a decision on the merits, but rather blocks the rules from going into effect while the court further considers the arguments made by attorneys on behalf of the plaintiff, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest. The court scheduled a status hearing for February 7, during which it will consider issuing a more lasting preliminary injunction, which would remain in place while the challenge to the constitutionality of the rules moves forward."

[CN: Rape culture; clergy abuse] Shockingly, the Vatican is unhappy about the UN's report that uncompromisingly criticized the Holy See's handling of endemic sex abuse. A top Vatican official said the report is "out of date, unfair, and ideological." Welp.

No major clean-up is planned for a 12,000-gallon spill of crude oil in Minnesota because "of its relatively small size" and "the way that it happened: the tanker carrying the oil didn't derail and leak all in one place, rather oil gradually splattered out of the car between the rails onto the track bed as the train was moving." Whoops!

In other Fuck the Environment news: "Fracking is depleting water supplies in America's driest areas, report show." Terrific.

[CN: Driving under the influence; death] Remember Ethan Couch, the 16-year-old wealthy white Texas teenager who received probation after killing four people while drunk driving, because he suffers from "affluenza," i.e. being a privileged shit who's never held accountable for his actions? After prosecutors petitioned for prison time, yesterday a judge ordered that he "will attend a drug treatment facility instead of serving time behind bars."

Oh, science, you are so neat: "Scientists have created a bionic hand which allows [someone who has had their hand amputated] to feel lifelike sensations from their fingers. A Danish man received the hand, which was connected to nerves in his upper arm, following surgery in Italy. Dennis Aabo, who lost his left hand in a firework accident nearly a decade ago, said the hand was 'amazing.' In laboratory tests he was able to tell the shape and stiffness of objects he picked up, even when blindfolded."

Evangeline Lilly is "in talks" to play the female lead in Ant-Man. Hey, filmmakers? Just FYI, she is awesome and could play a superhero. She doesn't need to be a sidekick. I'm just saying. Rinse and repeat as needed for fully one gazaillion other actresses.

A police dog in Birmingham, England, helped save a missing woman's life: "Around 12:40 am on February 4th police received a call that the woman was missing and possibly in danger. Evidence that the woman had been injured was found and PC Keith Bennett and his police dog Ska were called to the scene and quickly went to work. Ska picked up a scent in the back yard of the house and led PC Bennett and other officers to the woman who was injured. The woman was treated by paramedics and taken to the hospital where she is recovering." Yayayayay! GOOD DOG.

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