The Monday Blogaround

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Recommended Reading:

Pam: [Content Note: Privilege; white supremacy; emotional policing] On Calling Out the Shit in the Middle of the Room

Trudy: [CN: White supremacy] 2013: A Year of White Supremacy and Racism in Mainstream Feminism

Paul: Our Top 10 Wins in 2013

Summer: A New Idea for a New Year

Rosana: A Racial Justice Bucket List for 2014

Batocchio: Jon Swift Memorial Roundup 2013 [Please note that there are not content notes or trigger warnings for individual posts.]

Fat Discrimination: [CN: Fat hatred] The Normalization of Fat Hate

Jess: [CN: Rape culture] On Bill O'Brien and the Benefits of Coaching at Penn State

Andy: [CN: Homophobia] Former NFL Punter Chris Kluwe Says He Has Witnesses to Homophobia at the Vikings

Finally: [CN: White supremacy] Emi Koyama has had great coverage of the Ani DiFranco's retreat for songwriters and performers at Nottoway Plantation and Resort, subsequent ass-showing, and bullshit apology. Part One is here. Part Two is here. Part Three is here.

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