
[Content Note: Christian Supremacy; choice policing; war on agency.]

Richard W. Garnett, a professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, the latest organization to file suit over the federal mandate to provide healthcare coverage that includes birth control, has penned an op-ed for the LA Times entitled "The righteousness in Hobby Lobby's cause," and subtitled "Business people shouldn't be required to check their faith at the door."
Like millions of religious believers and groups, these challengers reject the idea that religious faith and religious freedom are simply about what we believe and how we pray, and not also about how we live, act and work. At the heart of these two cases is the straightforward argument that federal law does not require us to "check our faith at the door" when we pursue vocations in business and commerce.

There should be no question about the sincerity of the religious beliefs at issue.
I don't doubt the sincerity of their beliefs. I do, however, question the integrity of the assertion that they are being "required to check their faith at the door." What they are being asked to do is to respect that not every one of their employees might share that faith. And what they are really objecting to is the fact that they're no longer allowed to ask their employees to check their faith at the door, as the cost of their employment.

No one is telling employers they have to use birth control. No one is coercing employers to pay for birth control, either. They are being asked to pay for insurance policies that, among other healthcare provisions, will cover contraception for employees who want it. That's it.

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