
[Content Note: Transphobia; homophobia.]

In order to prove that they're not harassing, spiteful assholes, the TERFs (Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminists) over at Gender Identity Watch have posted a neat piece about me after I signed my name to and promoted the Statement of Trans-Inclusive Feminism and Womanism.

screen cap of post at Gender Identity Watch featuring my image and text reading: 'Melissa McEwan (USA) | September 18, 2013 | Melissa McEwan, who runs a Liberal Feminist  blog called Shakesville, has publicly come out as an anti-lesbian bigot, stating her support for 'overrunning' lesbian feminists who are aware of female biology.'

1. I do not identify as a liberal feminist.

2. I did not give my consent for my image to be used.

I'm so surprised (I am not the least bit surprised) that TERFs would refuse to respect my self-identity and publicly post personal materials without my consent!

This is the pushback I'm getting for just standing in solidarity with trans*, intersex, non-binary, and/or genderqueer people. Now amplify that exponentially to begin to define the pushback, harassment, bullying, and exposure that gets directed at trans*, intersex, non-binary, and/or genderqueer people, just from feminists alone. In case anyone was wondering why the fuck that statement had to be written in the first place.

[Commenting Note: Should anyone have the urge to argue that TERFs are not "real feminists," or that they are merely a "small but vocal group," don't.]

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