In The News

Here are some things in the news today!

[Content Note: Harassment; racism] Sarah Mirk at Bitch Media: We Need to Talk About Hugo, Race, and Feminism.

[CN: Gendered violence; descriptions of violence] Former Afghanistan MP Noor Zia Atmar, one of the first female members of parliament and an outspoken leader for women's rights in the country, has requested asylum after fleeing from her abusive husband.

Newark Mayor Cory Booker has won the Democratic Senate primary in New Jersey.

[CN: Racism] 92-year-old Rosanell Eaton is, along with several other people and civil rights groups, suing the state of North Carolina over its newly passed voting laws, which are really voter suppression laws. Eaton, at age 21, "became one of the first African Americans in her county registered to vote, after successfully completing a literacy test that required her to recite the preamble to the Constitution." Now 71 years later, she's facing a new potential disenfranchisement, as she may not qualify for a voter ID card now required to vote.

Ms. Eaton's story is uncannily reminiscent of the experience of Dorothy Cooper of Tennessee, which we discussed in 2011.

Do you want to read the cutest story about MM2 2nd class Jerrel Revels proposing to his boyfriend on Pier 31 at the Naval Submarine Base after six months aboard the USS New Mexico? I don't see why you wouldn't! It's adorable!

[CN: Misogyny] Even women working in the highest, most profligately compensated executive positions at S&P 500 corporations are making 18% less than their male counterparts.

[CN: Guns] A firearms instructor accidentally shot a student while teaching a gun-safety class.

This is a real headline in the world: Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie Narrowly Avoid Airplane Run-In. Phew!

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