Also She Has Cooties

[Content Note: Misogyny; ablist language.]

This article in the Washington Post explains why President Obama and his economic team favor the loathsome Larry Summers over the competent Janet Yellen to succeed Ben Bernanke at the Fed. You see, it turns out "there are some aspects of how she operates that are different from the qualities that Obama insiders favor."

It is definitely just a coincidence that many of those "aspects of how she operates" sound a lot like misogynist dog whistles.

And, gee, if anyone is wondering why it is that the economy is totally fucked up, maybe this has something to do with it:
A second, and related, reason that Yellen's leadership style isn't a great mesh with the Obamaites is also one of her strengths. She is always meticulously prepared, a careful and systematic thinker who chooses her words carefully. In a Fed policy committee meeting or a gathering of international central bankers, she typically scripts herself in advance and reads those prepared comments.

She is methodical, not manic. And the prevailing style of the White House insiders advising on the decision leans a bit more toward manic. Geithner, for example, jumps from meeting to meeting, from hearing to phone call, without so much as a set of talking points to work from.
Who wants some boring old prepared lady when they're used to cool flyboys buzzing the tower? Or whatever.

See also: Echidne and Digby. Atrios is succinct.

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