Oklahoma Tornado Open Thread

[Content Note: Death; injury.]

Earlier this afternoon, a tornado nearly a mile wide struck down in Oklahoma, causing widespread devastation. I've read reports that there have been two deaths and many more injuries, some serious, but I can't find good confirmation on that right now.

Please consider this an Open Thread to share information as it becomes available, to provide links to local services and charitable support, and to report in if you're an Oklahoma Shaker.

I am going to politely ask that we not share photos of the destruction in this space, which may be triggering for some readers, especially those who live and/or have friends, family, colleagues in the area. There are plenty of places to see and share those photos elsewhere on the web. Thanks.

UPDATE 1: KOCO Oklahoma City has confirmed two deaths: "Glen Irish, 79, and Billy Hutchinson, 76, both of Shawnee were killed, according to a medical examiner." My condolences to the people who cared for them.

UPDATE 2: The search continues for children at an elementary school in Moore, OK, which was flattened by the tornado.

UPDATE 3: Tom McCarthy is live-blogging events for the Guardian. Please be advised, at this point, there are pictures of some wreckage, but no images of injury.

UPDATE 4: MSNBC is reporting that the Oklahoma medical examiner is confirming 37 fatalities so far. Many of those are reportedly children who were trapped in their school. I don't even know what to say.

UPDATE 5: MSNBC is reporting that the Oklahoma medical examiner has raised the number of confirmed fatalities to 51.

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