Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

As Deeky mentioned In the News, I recently gifted him a Star Wars bow tie. Here is the text conversation had upon its arrival...

Deeks: Thanks for the bow tie!

Liss: You're welcome! I wanted to send you something non-garbagey for a change!

Deeks: LOLOLOL. I just assumed it was garbage prior to opening it.

Liss: "Wait—what? Who is this from again?"

Deeks: I had to check the note they included.

Liss: LOL!

I don't know what he is on about. Just because the last thing I sent him was a pair of marshmallow dolls with googly eyes! Harrumph.

image of two marshmallows: on the left, one has been painted orange and a white handlebar mustache and googly eyes affixed to it; on the right, one has been painted purple with purple-lidded and lashed googly eyes and is wearing a turquoise bow

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