In The News

[Content note: Racism, gun violence, homophobia]

Tuesday News, Entertainment, and Weather:

Trayvon Martin's family is marking the one-year anniversary of his shooting death with a candlelight vigil in New York City.

Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop died.

JPMorgan Chase & Co., the biggest U.S. bank, is cutting 19,000 jobs.

The Census Bureau is dropping its use of the word "Negro" to describe black Americans in surveys.

The NFL wants to know if Manti Te'o is gay. Obviously.

Hey, you know who is gay? Obama. Obviously. Some conservative douche has proof. Obviously.

The American Center for Law and Justice, founded by televangelist Pat Robertson, is now funding anti-LGBT work in Brazil. Just like Jesus would do!

Speaking of: Pat Robertson says demons may attach themselves to sweaters from Goodwill Shops. Neat!

Just FYI, if you do get demon in your sweater, Febreze takes it right out.

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