Today in Trans*

[Content Note: Pathologizing transgenderism.]


[Link goes to story about "gender identity disorder" being dropped from the DSM and replaced by "gender dysphoria."]

Eastsidekate: Huzzah! I knew something felt different when I woke up this morning.

Liss: Are you euphoric to be dysphoric?

Eastsidekate: I have been nonstop partying with all the money I didn't give to Mitt Romney's victory wallet!

Liss: I love how being trans* is still considered a psychiatric disorder, though. And I know there's a bunch of Stuff surrounding whether it's kept in or not—like as long as it's a diagnosable disorder, people with insurance can get access to healthcare with it—but it's still garbage that requirement exists at all, so.

Eastsidekate: People privileged enough to have insurance.

Liss: Right.

Eastsidekate: And prove they are sufficiently disordered to use it for Teh Trans.

Liss: Naturally.

Eastsidekate: What Julia said.

Liss: Totes.

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