This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

[Content Note: Gun violence; misogyny; gender essentialism.]

Yesterday's Worst Thing was a heaping pile of contemptible garbage by noted conservative thinker [sic] Charlotte Allen.

Today's Worst Thing is Charlotte Allen's reprehensible defense of that heaping pile of contemptible garbage.

As usual, it's tough to pick a favorite passage, but I'm gonna go with:
I am also responding to David Weigel, who told me I gotten my facts wrong: that there are actually two men, a custodian and a fourth-grade teacher, on Sandy Hook's 52-person staff. He's right, and I stand corrected. This does help prove my point, though: just two adult men in a building containing 500 people — and it's not clear that both of them were at work that day. Indeed, a visit to Sandy Hook's staff website is a depressing experience, the sea of women's names. Why aren't there more men?
I genuinely pity a woman so full of self-loathing that viewing "a sea of women's names" at any place of non-exploitative employment is a depressing experience. What a terrible way to go through life.

[H/T to Shaker dani_alexis, in comments.]

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