Whooooooops Never Mind

[Content Note: Fat hatred; food policing.]

BBC: Denmark to abolish tax on high-fat foods.
The Danish government has said it intends to abolish a tax on foods which are high in saturated fats.

The measure, introduced a little over a year ago, was believed to be the world's first so-called "fat tax".

Foods containing more than 2.3% saturated fat - including dairy produce, meat and processed foods - were subject to the surcharge.

...The Danish tax ministry said it was also cancelling its plans to introduce a tax on sugar, the AFP news agency reports.
Why is the "fat tax" being rescinded? Because not only has it failed to magically turn all fat Danes thin, but the tax has "inflated food prices and put Danish jobs at risk," at least in part because "some Danes had begun crossing the border into Germany to stock up on food there."

There is precious little evidence that the existence of fat people have a significant impact on a national economy, despite claims to the contrary, but there is demonstrable evidence that foolish attempts to make fat people not-fat do. I'm just saying.

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