The Puppy Room!

For many university students, faculty, and staff, it's the Most Not-Wonderful Time of the Year: Finals! This year, Dalhousie University has a solution: the Puppy Room.

Dalhousie University in Halifax is turning to some big, slobbery experts to help students deal with the stress of upcoming exams.

The student union is opening a Puppy Room on Tuesday where students can hang out with several dogs, including Roc, a St. Bernard who happens to be a therapy dog.

"They can come in and sit down, they can pat the dogs, talk to the dogs," said his owner, Mark Grant. "That's our hope – that the dogs will bring as much comfort to the individuals that we're going to meet as the individuals will bring to the dogs."

Roc will be joined by other dogs, including a Dalmatian and a golden retriever.

"A lot of the folks that we're going to have the pleasure of seeing probably have dogs back home. They miss their dogs, and just want to hug a dog," said Grant.

I hereby decree that all schools and workplaces should have a Puppy Room. Universe: make it so!

(Until we get that thing going, though, here is a virtual version. No final exams required.)

The Whistling Puppy!

Food-Seeking Counter-Jumping Beagle!

Tap-Dancing Corgi!

An Extremely Excited Basset!

The Great Beagle Escape!

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