Attack at Casper College

[Content note: mass shooting, deaths]

There are reports of a shooting at Casper College in Wyoming. Although information is still unclear, recent reports indicate that three people have died as a result. It is being reported as a bow-and-arrow attack. According to updates from the college's Facebook page, a lockdown has been lifted, but personnel not involved with the attack have been encouraged to go home and counselors are available for those who need them. There will be a briefing at 1.30 PM local time, which will be live streamed here. ETA: The briefing was held at 1 PM.

My thoughts and sympathies are with the family and friends of the deceased, as well as with the campus community who are dealing with this horrible situation.

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Update: The local newspaper has an update here which confirms the attacker is among the deceased. (h/t Shaker Teaspoon, in comments.)

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