"They Are Very Attached to Each Other"

image of Haatchi, an Anatolian Shepherd, with one of his guardians, seven-year-old Owen Howkins, a white boy with Schwartz-Jampel syndrome, which causes permanently tense muscles

This story about Owen Howkins and his dog Haatchi, who totes rescued each other, will melt even the coldest of icy black hearts.
Owen Howkins, seven, and his trusted companion Haatchi have become inseparable after the family pet helped him overcome anxiety.

Owen became 'withdrawn' at school when he realised a rare genetic condition [Schwartz-Jampel syndrome, which means his muscles are always tense, and requires ongoing medical interventions] made him different to other boys and girls. [Being treated differently] left him scared to talk to people and worried about leaving his home in Basingstoke, Hampshire.

But now Haatchi - an Anatolian shepherd dog [who lost a back leg and most of his tail after injury and neglect] - has given Owen a new lease of life after dad Will Howkins [and fiancee Colleen Drummond, 41, who read about Haatchi's plight on Facebook] adopted the pet from a rescue centre. The pair can be seen walking down the road together after becoming the best of friends.

...Colleen said: "Owen used to be scared of strangers but he now wants to talk to everyone about Haatchi and wants to go out all the time to dog shows. The difference we see in him can't be put into words."
Owen lays his head on top of Haatchi's

Are you kidding me?! Excuse me for a moment. I need to go give my dogs and cats enormous squeezy hugs.

And treats. SO MANY TREATS. All the treats.

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