In The News

[Content note: homophobia, suicide, misogyny]

President Barack Obama will bring more energy and passion to his second debate with Mitt Romney, advisers to the president said. Well, that's good news.

Mitt Romney invested in ten Chinese companies recently, including ones that embezzled, partnered with Iran, and stole US trade secrets. Great candidate!

Johnny Rotten thinks he's a lot like Joe Biden. Joe Biden is still relevant, though.

Atlas Shrugged: Part II opened this weekend. It currently holds a zero percent critical rating at Rotten Tomatoes. Whoops!

Fifty-six percent of American Indian and Alaskan Native transgender people have attempted suicide.

The Indonesian government has acted to tackle the nation's HIV crisis by overriding international pharmaceutical companys' patents on HIV drugs.

Chick-fil-A is selling party trays "Only a Fruitcake Wouldn't Love." Obviously.

Television host and actor Gary Collins died of natural causes over the weekend. He was 74.

Former U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter died Sunday after a long battle with cancer.

Enjoy being a girl, it's The Age of FDS!

Watch this: The 1947 Belgian stop motion film Le Crabe aux Pinces d'Or was the first Tintin story to be adapted into a movie.

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