In The News

[Content note: homophobia, mental illness]

All The News In Fits and Spurts:

Five weeks to Election Day, President Barack Obama is within reach of the 270 electoral votes needed to win a second term. Republican Mitt Romney's path to victory is narrowing. No doy.

But! Chris Christie is predicting this week's debate in Denver will be a game changer for Mitt Romney. "Wednesday night's the restart of this campaign." Again? How many restarts does Romney need? Good lord, this campaign.

In the meantime, Mitt Romney vows to take on non-existent Lyme disease epidemic in Virginia.

TruFact™: Anal eroticism plays a significant role in the psychogenesis of paranoia and conspiracy theorizing in the Tea Party. Way to ruin anal eroticism for everyone, Tea Partiers!

The most dangerous city in America is disbanding its unionized police force in order to hire cheaper, non-union cops.

Apple was recently granted a patent enabling the company to wirelessly disable the camera function on specific iPhones in certain locations, such as protests or political conventions and gatherings. I am beginning to think these guys are a bunch of douchebags.

General Motors is recalling more than 40,000 vehicles, citing concerns that a fuel pump module could crack and cause a fire in the event of a fuel leak.

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the compact disc. It's been three decades since the first CD (Billy Joel's 52nd Street) went on sale in Japan.

The Pet Shop Boys released the video for their new single "Leaving" this morning. Watch it here.

Why I hate sports, part 9,467,863,218: NFL's Matt Birk is a homophobic bigot. Gross.

The Christian Institute in Britain says there aren't enough gays in the UK, so there's no point in granting them equality. The obvious solution: More gays!

Austin became the first city in Texas to endorse marriage equality, with a unanimous vote by the City Council Thursday. The vote was purely symbolic.

Maine's referendum on marriage equality leads 57 percent to 36 percent in recent polling, with 7 percent saying they are undecided. Yay!

In Maryland marriage equality is now favored by likely voters, 49 percent to 39 percent. Yay!

The National Center for Transgender Equality has released a series of public service announcements outlining how transgender Americans can protect their right to vote this Election Day. The PSAs, part of NCTE's "Voting While Trans" public awareness campaign, aim to educate and prepare transgender people for how to vote in their state.

Seth MacFarlane will be hosting the Academy Awards next year. Gross.

Researchers in Australia reported a correlation between a poorer sense of smell and psychopathic personality traits. So, I guess maybe I could be a psychopath. You've been warned!

These Vivienne Westwood silver penis cufflinks would make a great gift. I only mention it because I have a birthday coming up.

Here is the Leatherman from the Village People performing "Danny Boy." Obviously.

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