In The News

[Content note: homophobia, racism.]

A bunch of stuff happened this weekend. Here is a tiny bit of it:

Everyone is talking about Paul Ryan's Secret Service code name. Not so much about his non-stop lying. Weird, that.

The Justice Department announced that it would not pursue criminal charges against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio or his office.

Oscar-nominated actor Michael Clarke Duncan has died.

Oh, Bocephus: "We've got a Muslim for a President who hates cowboys, hates cowgirls, hates fishing, hates farming, loves gays, and we hate him!" — Hank Williams, Jr.

More than 100,000 Syrians fled their country in August, the highest monthly figure since the conflict began in March 2011.

Here is a picture of a fox, a kitten and a dog snuggled together.

The Oogieloves in the BIG Balloon Adventure had the worst opening weekend of all time. Whoops! Buck up, Oogieloves, Atlas Shrugged II is still on its way!

Speaking of. Here's a trailer for the trailer of Atlas Shrugged II: The Squeakquel. "Try pouring a ton of steel without rigid principles." Whut?

Hey, The Great War nerds! Here is a preview of season three of Downtown Abbey!

Mondo Guerra, fashion designer, cutie pie, and Project Runway contestant, will speak at the U.S. Conference on AIDS later this month.

Did you want to see Liberace and Phyllis Diller performing a duet? Okay.

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