Daily Dose of Cute

image of the living room, with all the animals lying around

The furry residents of Shakes Manor have been worried about me. Particularly when I come from a testing facility, they all want to be on me—something about the smell, I guess. This was the scene when I walked out of the bathroom the other day after getting home: All of them waiting for me, prepared for maximum cuddles.

So many adorbz wee faces. I don't even know what to do with how sweet they are. Except, of course, for thank them constantly for being so lovely.

image of Zelda the Mutt, sitting on the couch grinning

image of Dudley the Greyhound, lying on the couch looking up at me

image of Sophie the Cat, standing guard outside the bathroom

image of Olivia the Cat, sitting on the arm of the couch looking at me

image of Matilda the Cat, peering at me over her shoulder

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