Quote of the Day

"We broadly asked people in the private sector to think of serving in government as a form of public service."Bob White, a longtime friend of Mitt Romney who chaired his gubernatorial transition in Massachusetts, in an interview about Romney's presidential transition plan if he wins the election.

It's so cool that they want "people in the private sector" (i.e. corporate executives and board members) to be key parts of their administration, just like every other stinking administration including the present one. That's working out really great for America.

Yay for all of us, I'm sure.

But the best part of that quote, for my money (PUN INTENDED), is how asking corporate d-bags to write the rules for the nation is framed as an appeal to their altruistic natures. Ha ha sure. Because they never reap any personal benefits from making decisions like whether companies in which they hold significant stock shares get massive contracts from the federal government. Definitely not. They FOR SURE divest all those potential profit-making opportunities, and then absolutely don't sail out public service into seven-figure "advisory" sinecures.


[H/T to Shaker Brunocerous.]

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