Daily Dose of Cute

image of Sophie wide-eyed and listening intently
Sophie, listening to Iain mowing the lawn.

Sophie is an impossibly tiny cat, with hilariously oversized ears. In my very first post about her, I observed: "She may walk; she may fly." And she puts those ears to good use—she is a hardcore listener, her radar ears always scanning and twitching and gathering information. Cats do this generally, of course, but Sophie does it more—and more intently—than any other cat I've had.

She is fearless and highly empathic, and while part of those qualities are just down to her innate personality, part of them are almost certainly down to the fact that she is just an ardent listener, and uniquely understands the rhythms of the world around her as a result.

Here's Sophs, doing her listening thing.

Video Description: Sophie sits on the arm of the couch beside me, listening. She turns her head from side to side quickly at first, then settles in to let her ears do the work. They swivel and scan, and her stoic expression seems to say: PROCESSING.

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