It's a Girl!

The newest addition to Shakes Manor, care of the Humane Society:

Sophie Moon, 1 lb. 12 oz.

"I hate you already."

The funniest thing about Sophie is that she doesn't have kitten-face at all. She's only 6 weeks old, and she's just the tiniest wee microscopic kitten you can imagine, but she's got a grown-up face. It's hilarious. She never stops purring, and you know that thing that cats do when they puff up their tails and run sideways with an arched back? She does that constantly. I cannot stop laughing at her.

She's sequestered from her big sisters, who are very dubious about this whole situation, for four weeks, until she's old enough to get a feline leukemia test and has her second round of vaccines. When they're finally introduced, I'll get pictures of them together. For now, more pix of Sophie by herself below the fold.

Next to a printer plug, for comparative purposes. Seriously, she's miniscule!

lol your food dish

"I needs to touch this thingie here."

"And this thingie here, too."

She may walk; she may fly.

"Enough with the pictures!"


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