Actual Headline

Actual Headline: Romney says Obama shouldn't fundraise off same-sex marriage.

Actual Lede: "The day after President Barack Obama publicly endorsed same-sex marriage, and later issued a call for donations, his Republican rival said the hot button topic shouldn't be used to raise campaign cash. 'I don't think the matter of marriage is really a fundraising matter, either for the president, and it is certainly not for me,' Romney said Thursday on Fox News."

My Actual Internal Response: LOLOLOLOLOL Romney says Obama shouldn't fundraise off same-sex marriage! OH DOES HE NOW? LOLOLOLOLOL McEwan says Romney should shut the fuck up! Last time McEwan checked, Obama already had campaign advisers so he PROBABLY DOESN'T NEED ROMNEY'S HELP. Romney should run along and NOT FUNDRAISE LULZ on his opposition to marriage equality!


I really love the chutzpah of Republicans accusing Obama of turning marriage equality into a political football by giving the most milquetoast personal support for it, after they've tried multiple times to pass a federal amendment to the Constitution banning same-sex marriage. They are truly shameless.

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