Question of the Day

What are the last films that made you laugh and made you cry? Or the last film that did both.

The last film that made me laugh was Fast Five. I mean, the film isn't supposed to be funny, at least not in the way I was finding it funny, but it was hilarious. Especially because I was watching it with Iain and Kenny Blogginz for Bad Movie Night, and we were being all kinds of silly MST3K-ing the fuck outta that garbage.

The last film that made me cry was Hachi: A Dog's Tale, and ohhhhh it was an ugly cry big time. I cried so hard I was sure I had broken my eyeballs. Through great heaving sobs, I said to Iain, "This is the saddest fucking thing I've ever seen!" and tried to laugh, but just cried even harder, lol.

Anything with animals. Forget about it.

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