Primarily Awful

image of Mitt Romney speaking in an empty factory behind a banner reading 'Obama Isn't Working'
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney pauses while speaking at the closed National Gypsum drywall factory in Lorain, Ohio, Thursday, April 19, 2012. [AP Photo]
That's not even a Photoshop. That's just a straight-up wire image of Mitt Romney standing in an empty factory behind a sign reading "Obama Isn't Working." Ha ha but I thought YOU were the one who's "unemployed," Mitt Romney! Ha ha you jackass!

Here's a Fun Fact about that "Obama Isn't Working" slogan, about which the Romney campaign is so excited: It's racially loaded. I'm sure playing into the stereotype of the lazy black man who draws a government check without doing any work is just a coincidence, though, and not a dog whistle to the Republican Party's deeply racist base. (It is deliberate race-baiting.)

And here's a Fun Fact about that empty factory, which Romney was using as a prop to suggest Obama's uniquely responsible for the high unemployment rate: The factory shut down in June 2008, while George Bush was still in office. Whoooooops!

In other news, Mitt Romney has hired Richard Grenell as his national security spokesperson. You might not have heard of Richard Grenell, but he was a major player in the Bush administration, serving straight through both terms as the director of communications and public diplomacy at the United Nations. Which means he was a personal adviser to, among others, John Bolton, the UN-hating UN ambassador, the mere mention of whose name once caused Hillary Clinton to burst into contemptuous laughter. So, in other words, he's basically a perfect choice for Team Romney.

Spoiler Alert! Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson could be a big-time libertarian spoiler, except for how no one's heard of him! But he's already polling at 6% nationally! Watch out!

And finally! Karl Rove's SuperPAC, American Crossroads, has already raised $100 million. That is A LOT of Ronpaulbuxxx, baby. I mean, free speech. That is a lot of FREE SPEECH.


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