
Universal Develops 'The Rockford Files' for Vince Vaughn to Play James Garner Role.


It's not that I'm axiomatically averse to a remake of The Rockford Files. I loved that show when I was a kid, and I think it's one of the better franchises to update. Just not with Vince Vaughn!

1. Did I mention nope to Vince Vaughn? Nopity-nope! It's not that he couldn't pull it off. He could. But.

2. The key to Rockford is an insouciant charisma and a quick wit, with a twist of grumble. None of these things are tied to being white, or male, or straight, or of a certain age. If you're gonna remake it, remake it. Otherwise, I'mma just watch the original on DVD. Are you telling me Rosario Dawson wouldn't be a better Rockford than Vince Vaughn? Because you're wrong.

3. If you're going to insist on remaking it with a white dude, I've got two words for you: Josh Holloway.

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