Coincidence, I'm Sure

[Content note: anti-choice legislation]

Two Facts:

A. A South Carolina Senate panel "on Tuesday approved a budget clause eliminating a woman's ability to get an abortion through the state health plan if she's a victim of rape or incest." Although this is part of the South Carolina budget debate, it is clearly not a fiscal issue, since "[t]here have been no insurance-covered abortions for rape or incest for at least six years, according to data from the state Budget and Control Board."

B. The South Carolina Senate includes not a single woman. It is the only all-male state Senate in the United States at present.


(Note: I am well aware that there are anti-choice women, some of them serving in legislative bodies and helping to push through the latest assaults on the right to choose. However, approving legislation about something that happens to people with uteri, without including a single uteri-bearer in the discussion, signals how very profound the Republican contempt for women is at present. They have learned nothing from the reaction to the all-male contraception hearings. And they don't intend to learn, either.)

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