Project Runway All-Stars: Open Thread

image of designer Austin Scarlett wrapped in white tulle
It is ridiculous how happy this picture makes me.

(Spoilers are making it work below.)

Let me start with a question: How the fuck crabby is Mondo? OMG. I would find that intolerable in a work environment, as Michael and Austin are, and it speaks to their fundamental decency (and probably Mondo's, too) that they're making considered, circumspect comments about how it seems like sometimes Mondo doesn't realize how much he affects other people with his negativity, instead of losing their rag with him.

Anyway! To the collections.

So far, it looks like Mondo's collection is shaping up to make him the winner. I'm basing that partly on the fact that Austin's looks incredibly ambitious, and he may fall victim to his own ambition again. (Loved Austin taking Anthony's notes. And loved Anthony's notes! "That lace looks like dead white lady." OMG LOL.) I'm also basing it on the fact that I find Michael's "tribal" collection to be barfy, by virtue of the fact that it's a "tribal" collection. Of course, that is a foolish assumption, because, time and time again, fashion shows us that racism and appropriation are always IN!


So: Who's gonna win?

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