More News from the Conservative Legislation Lab

[Content Note: Guns.]

My fellow Hoosier, Shaker Thunderbird, sends along this tops piece of news with the note, "Nice to see the Indiana legislature has its priorities in order *eyeroll*": Indiana sets sight on having official state rifle.
Indiana soon will have an official state rifle to go along with the state tree, state stone and state flower.

The Indiana House voted 78-2 on Tuesday to declare the Grouseland the state's official rifle. It is one of only six remaining long rifles made by famed Hoosier gunsmith John Small in the early 1800s.

The measure, earlier approved 48-2 by the Senate and headed to Gov. Mitch Daniels, makes Indiana only the third state with an official gun.
The other two are Utah and Arizona.

I can't even begin to put into words how truly thrilled I am to live in a state in which declaring a state rifle, teaching creationism, union-busting, and defunding women's healthcare are the legislative priorities.

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