Garbage Treasures

First off, let me apoligize in advance for my face. It's in the post and there is little I can do about it now. So, please keep your complaints about it to yourselves. Or at least direct them toward my father and his DNA.

Anyway... Look what came in the mail recently:

picklefinger toy

What is that, you ask? It's a picklefinger. Obviously. Obviously? Yes, obviously. And what is a picklefinger? Duh. It's a pickle designed to be worn on the finger.

Like so:

seeky and picklefinger toy

See? A pickle. On a finger. Picklefinger. Why did Liss send this to me? I don't know. Do you know? No. You do not know. No one knows. It is a mystery wrapped in an enigma inside a jiffy mailer.

Bonus image:


That's me using the picklefinger in a manner not endorsed by PickleCo Picklefinger Manufacturers. "So enjoy!"

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