Garbage Treasures: Interplanetary Edition

If you wonder why I send Liss stuff like George W. Bush books, it's because things like this show up in my mailbox:

E.T. on the mantle

I admit, when I first pulled this out of its box, I thought it was a turd. Not a real turd, mind you, but a turd modelled out of clay. Why would anyone make a turd out of clay? I don't know! But it seems no more nonsensical then what it really is.

And what is it? Really? An extraterrestrial. How do I know it's an extraterrestrial and not a turd with legs? Because the little card says so! The card also says something about how extraterrestrials don't really fit in in this world and maybe neither do we. I'm not sure who is meant by "we." Maybe artists who make extraterrestrials with silver marble eyes and sell them on Etsy.

Or perhaps people who buy extraterrestrials with silver marble eyes.

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