Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

Liss: Btw, I was just watching Garbage Treasures again. Also: At dinner, I showed Iain the Garbage Treasure I last bought which is hopefully on its way to your door, and his response was: 'What the fuck is that?!' Deeky: LOL! Great. Liss: I can't wait for you to see it! Deeky: LOL!

Two Facts: 1. I don't smoke cigarettes or weed anymore, and I don't drink coffee, or tea, or booze ("You don't drink any grown-up drinks!"—Iain), and I work at home, so I don't step out for lunch or walk past newsstands anymore, all of which conspires to limit my opportunities for the little $5 splurges that, when one can afford them, make life a little more pleasurable. 2. It turns out, I have more fun spending $5 to buy the most horrendously weird piece of shit and sending it to Deeky than on pretty much anything else in the world.

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