Garbage Treasures: The Movie

The reviews are in:

"Four and half thumbs up!" — Roger Ebert

"Tropetastic!" — Elvis Mitchell

"★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★" — Leonard Maltin

"Wevs." — Pauline Kael

Time to walk down the red carpet, Shakers! Here it is, the world premiere of my first (and likely last) animated short film. Emphasis on short; it's only a minute long.

Cue the paparazzi, I'm wearing my finest Jean Paul Gaultier tux and snockered on rum. And tune in for my exclusive interview with Leeza Gibbons after the gala! Do people still use the word "gala"? Let's all pinky swear to use "gala" in conversation at least once today, okay? Okay!

Anyway, press play, if you want to watch me and Liss in animated action. In the meantime I'll be collecting all the Oscars. And Grammys. Take that, Foo Fighters!

Garbage Treasures: A Liss & Deeky Adventure

Vague transcript: Deeky mails Liss a package, but Liss is unhappy with her gift.

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