This is a real thing in the world.

And I love it with SO! MANY! HEARTS!

Today is not only First Lady Michelle Obama's birthday; it is also Betty White's 90th birthday—and, over the weekend, there was a celebratory gala in her honor, which included this AMAZING birthday greeting from President Barack Obama:

Male voiceover, over text onscreen reading "Dear Betty…": Ladies and gentlemen, an official birthday message from President Barack Obama.

President Obama in voiceover, over video of himself sitting at his desk in the Oval Office, filling out a greeting card: Dear Betty, you look so fantastic and full of energy, I can't believe you're 90 years old. In fact, I don't believe it. That's why I'm writing to ask if you will be willing to produce a copy of your long-form birth certificate. [audience laughter] Thanks, and happy birthday, no matter how old you are!

The Golden Girls' theme, "Thank You for Being a Friend," begins to play as President Obama puts his pen back in his jacket pocket, then adds a framed photo of Betty White to the table of family photographs behind his desk. He sits back down, puts in earbuds, and rocks out with a grin to "Thank You for Being a Friend." [laughter and applause]
Let that settle any debate about whether Betty White is a national treasure.

Related Reading: The Obama Made in the USA Mug; Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

[H/T to Shaker Kate217.]

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