Photo of the Day

image of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton walking out of a room with Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga; Clinton's arm is around Jahjaga's shoulders.
Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga (right) and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leave the room after signing an agreement between the two countries on December 14, 2011 at the State Department in Washington. [Getty Images]
(A picture of the two of them working, in which their faces are visible, can be seen here.)

@scatx: @Shakestweetz >> Clinton being amazing in pink once more >> Photo from Getty Images

@Shakestweetz: @scatx I saw that set last night, and the same picture you picked out was also my favorite (of course).

@scatx: @Shakestweetz one day, we are going to meet and we are just going to talk for like three straight days. #samebrain

@Shakestweetz: That picture could totally be the Knope/Perkins ticket on inauguration day. #icanmakeanythingaboutparksandrec

@scatx: YES IT COULD.

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