
During a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Texas governor and and Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry mistakenly said that the voting age is 21 (it's 18). He also mistakenly said that the date of the 2012 election is November 12 (it's November 6).

His spokesperson calls his repeated gaffes "misspeaking." I call them "evidence that he is a fuckbrain." Potato potahto.

I love this passage in Rosalind Helderman's coverage of Perry's latest whoopsery:
Perry would love to capi­tal­ize on conservative displeasure with Herman Cain, as the businessman reassesses whether to stay in the 2012 race following allegations that he engaged in a 13-year extramarital affair.

But he will first have to convince voters that he has the verbal dexterity to go toe-to-toe with President Obama in a general election; repeated gaffes will likely hurt any effort to do so.
LOL! Indeed!

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