"I believe life begins at conception. Unfortunately, this personhood amendment doesn't say that. It says life begins at fertilization, or cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof. That ambiguity is striking a lot of pro-life people here as concerning. And I'm talking about people that are very, outspokenly pro-life. ... I am concerned about some of the ramifications on in vitro fertilization and [ectopic] pregnancies where pregnancies [occur] outside the uterus and [in] the fallopian tubes. That concerns me, I have to just say it."—Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R-Eallyrightwing), on the proposed amendment to the state constitution being put to voters next week, which would redefine a person as "every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof."
How extreme is this bit of anti-choice maneuvering...? So extreme even HALEY BARBOUR is concerned about its extremism. Yiiiiiiiiiikes.
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