Repro Rights Updates

In Arizona, the only clinic providing abortion services is the one in Phoenix.
FLAGSTAFF – Beth Otterstein, a nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood Arizona’s clinic here, says patients sometimes break down and cry when they hear the news: If they want abortions, they now have to travel to Phoenix for a 15-minute consultation with a doctor and then stay overnight to have the procedure. It’s an expense that some can’t afford, and no other facility in the area provides abortions.

“It’s devastating because they don’t have anywhere else to go,” she said.

Planned Parenthood halted abortion services at clinics in Flagstaff, Prescott Valley and Yuma because of provisions in state laws that took effect this month. Legislation passed this year requires that only licensed physicians to provide abortion services, while a 2009 law that Planned Parenthood decided to stop fighting in court requires women seeking abortions to meet in person with doctors 24 hours before the procedure.

The clinic here and those in Prescott Valley and Yuma have only nurse practitioners on staff.

Otterstein said some patients tell her they can’t take time away from work or find someone to take care of their children, while others worry about what to tell family members and friends about a trip out of town.
While Planned Parenthood always has a physician provide surgical abortion care, medication/chemical abortion has been previously provided by a nurse practitioner. Until now. Hiring physicians to perform abortion services at the more rural clinics will not be easy:
[N]ot only because of a doctor shortage in Arizona but because a provision of this year’s law prohibits using any public money, tuition or student fees to teach how to perform abortions.

“It’s going to take some time because it’s not like new graduates from the University of Arizona medical school are going to receive this training because the legislation says they can’t,” Howard [Bryan, CEO of Planned Parenthood Arizona] said.
Roe doesn't do much when there's no choice to be had.


In Florida, changes to minors' access to abortion services takes effect starting tomorrow:
Also controversial is another law that kicks in Saturday. The bill (HB 1247) makes a number of changes to the current laws requiring parental notification when juveniles seek an abortion. Among the changes, the bill lengthens the time a judge has to act on request for a judicial bypass.

The measure also requires minors seeking a judicial waiver from the requirement to seek a judge within their judicial circuit. Minors can now seek a judge residing within their appellate district, a much larger geographic area.

Backers say the measure still provides protections for minors who feel they can't tell their parents. Critics say that in some small judicial circuits, the new law will make it difficult for the minor to remain anonymous.
Let's check this out, shall we? (underlines are the additions, strike outs are their deletions)

The court shall rule, and issue written findings of fact and
133 conclusions of law, within 3 business days 48 hours after the
134 petition is filed, except that the 3-business-day 48-hour
135 limitation may be extended at the request of the minor. If the
136 court fails to rule within the 3-business-day 48-hour period and
137 an extension has not been requested, the minor may immediately
138 petition for a hearing upon the expiration of the 3-business-day
139 period to the chief judge of the circuit, who must ensure a
140 hearing is held within 48 hours after receipt of the minor's
141 petition and an order is entered within 24 hours after the
142 hearing the petition is granted, and the notice requirement is
143 waived.
144 2. If the circuit court does not grant judicial waiver of
145 notice, the minor has the right to appeal. An appellate court
146 must rule within 7 days after receipt of appeal, but a ruling
147 may be remanded with further instruction for a ruling within 3
148 business days after the remand. The reason for overturning a
149 ruling on appeal must be based on abuse of discretion by the
150 court and may not be based on the weight of the evidence
151 presented to the circuit court since the proceeding is a
152 nonadversarial proceeding.

(c) If the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence,
154 that the minor is sufficiently mature to decide whether to
155 terminate her pregnancy, the court shall issue an order
156 authorizing the minor to consent to the performance or
57 inducement of a termination of pregnancy without the
158 notification of a parent or guardian. If the court does not make
159 the finding specified in this paragraph or paragraph (d), it
160 must dismiss the petition. Factors the court shall consider
161 include:
162 1. The minor's:
163 a. Age.
164 b. Overall intelligence.
165 c. Emotional development and stability.
166 d. Credibility and demeanor as a witness.
167 e. Ability to accept responsibility.
168 f. Ability to assess both the immediate and long-range
169 consequences of the minor's choices.
170 g. Ability to understand and explain the medical risks of
171 terminating her pregnancy and to apply that understanding to her
172 decision.
173 2. Whether there may be any undue influence by another on
174 the minor's decision to have an abortion.

(d) If the court finds, by a preponderance of the
176 evidence, that the petitioner is the victim there is evidence of
177 child abuse or sexual abuse inflicted of the petitioner by one
178 or both of her parents or her guardian, or by clear and
179 convincing evidence
that the notification of a parent or
180 guardian is not in the best interest of the petitioner, the
181 court shall issue an order authorizing the minor to consent to
182 the performance or inducement of a termination of pregnancy
183 without the notification of a parent or guardian. The best-
184 interest standard does not include financial best interest or
185 financial considerations or the potential financial impact on
186 the minor or the minor's family if the minor does not terminate
187 the pregnancy.
Good thing BOOTSTRAPS!™ grow on trees in Florida, among all those oranges, amirite? Anyway...

(e) A court that conducts proceedings under this section shall:


3. Order that a confidential record be maintained, as
202 required under s. 390.01116. At the hearing, the court shall
203 hear evidence relating to the emotional development, maturity,
204 intellect, and understanding of the minor, and all other
205 relevant evidence.
Well, Florida. Trying to catch up to Ohio, I see.


If you live in Nebraska, Planned Parenthood is considering opening a few new clinics. There is opposition to this, of course. A group of anti-Planned Parenthood people are touring the state, trying to rile people up into opposing the clinics. They hold public meetings to "give out information" (re: lie) about the group. Here is an example of a recent meeting in Kearney:

KEARNEY - A national anti-Planned Parenthood speaker shared tips to keep a proposed clinic out of Kearney Thursday.

Jim Sedlak, vice president of the American Life League and founder of Stop Planned Parenthood International, spoke to more than 30 people at Trinity Presbyterian Church about the history of Planned Parenthood, the goals of the organization and why it would like to come to Kearney.

"Planned Parenthood is not only after your child's money, but after their soul," he said.


"Premarital sexual activity among young people is a sin," Sedlak said. "They won't say that, but you will and I will."

"The key to keeping Planned Parenthood out of communities is to make an unwelcome environment for them, Sedlak said.
Kearney, Hastings, North Platte and Grand Island are some of the communities being considered for new clinics, so this traveling misinformer and fear-monger will certainly be showing up there soon.

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