[Trigger warning for homophobia.]

Shaker NapalmNacey emails (which I am sharing with her permission): "I know, LiveScience is like shooting fish in barrels. But Jesus H. Compton, they're talking about LGBTQ people like we're wildebeest."

In addition to the Wild Kingdom tone, I like how "keeping one foot in the closet" is described right in the headline as a "savvy decision." How clever, those foxy queers, to find such an effective way of navigating stupendously inappropriate bigotry!

Yes, obviously, being circumspect about one's sexuality, when it has been marginalized as "alternative" by privileged dipfucks, is "savvy." But there are a lot of other ways I would describe that decision: Difficult, oppressive, unfair are at the top of the list.

There are ways to write about things, and ways to write about things.

P.S. LiveScience: Your end-of-article bulletpoints of related reading are not helping your cause.

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