
[Trigger warning for homophobia]

The New York State Senate has yet to vote on allowing gay marriage. It has, however, voted to protect military families from homophobic protesters.

I get it. Having to deal with abrasive bigots is a real drag. I mean, it seriously blows to have people singling you out, insisting that Jesus thinks you're a horrible person who deserves to be treated like crap.

I call that Thursday.

Or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

The State of New York could be remedying some of the institutional discrimination that gay couples face. Instead, it decided to deal with the less controversial issue of whether friends and relatives of deceased veterans of a military that still won't allow gay people to serve openly will have to overhear homophobes saying bad things about them, First Amendment be damned.

If there's one thing we all agree on, it's that homophobia is unacceptable. At least, it is when the targets are presumably straight.

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