Random YouTubery

A Canadian news segment in which an SPCA rep brings two older puppies to the studio for what was supposed to be a pretty typical adopt-a-pet piece (if seeing dogs jump on people bothers you, skip it):

Video Description: Two women, an anchor and an SPCA rep, introduce two dogs—one a young male German Shepherd and one a young female pitbull. The dogs, from an overcrowded shelter in which kennels can hold up to four dogs, are delighted to be out and about, and they get increasingly playful and affectionate with the two women, prompting the entire newsroom to erupt into laughter.

Honestly, this video just made me laugh so hard. It's when they cut back from the screen with the SPCA's contact information to the studio, and the anchor has just completely succumbed to Ginger the Pitbull in a heap of giggles—

—I just totally lose my shit.

I know not everyone likes to be jumped on and licked by big dogs, but clearly these ladies don't mind. And, possibly because I have such a calm dog at home myself, I don't mind, either. I'm always the lady at the dog park who's happy to be jumped and rubbed and drooled on by the biggest four-legged slobberchops in the vicinity.

[H/T to a friend at a local pitbull rescue.]

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