Number of the Day

$4.3 billion: How much the state of Indiana stands to lose in Medicaid funding as a result of our new law that prohibits funding for Planned Parenthood.

From an AP article about this issue:
Is Indiana willing to risk $4.3 billion in Medicaid money to strike a blow for the right-to-life movement? ... Is the Obama administration actually willing to leave low-income families without health care to punish a defiant state?

"Like any game of chicken, it's about who blinks first," said Ed Haislmaier, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation's Center for Health Policy, a conservative think-tank.

Let us make no mistake: It's not the Obama administration who will be leaving low-income Hoosiers without healthcare if they choose to hold Indiana accountable for its bullshit legislation. It's Mitch Daniels and his band of merry miscreants in the statehouse.

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